The Majestic Allure of Goupa – Karas

Extravagant beauty alert!

Kimolos has a lot to offer in the natural beauty department but there is one place that, hands down, out-beauties them all: the coastal area of Goupa Karas.

Picturesque doesn’t even begin to describe the place: a cross between a quaint fishing village and a Game of Thrones scenery, with a generous dose of couleur locale and equal amounts of exotica. Goupa Karas will impress you no matter how blasé you think you are; trying to resist it is an exercise in futility.

50 shades (actually, make that 100) of blue & green alternate in rapid succession, merging into an ever-changing, mesmerising tableau; these waters are insane! And then, there is the serenity: only the sounds of nature are audible in this little corner of the planet (you are coming early morning or late afternoon!). Talk about absolute perfection.

Allot time to walk across the entire area and, if you really want to do it properly, keep walking (swimming / climbing) and discover the full coastline, which unfolds in a similar way, generously revealing majestic scenery after majestic scenery.

Even though the location is replete with photographic opportunities (literally every second step offers an exciting new angle), photos fail to fully capture the unreal beauty of Goupa Karas – this spectacular landscape-cum-seascape is best experienced old style, in person.

When in Kimolos, make it a priority to visit Goupa Karas, ideally twice: one time to explore and photograph and one to savour its striking waters. It will be an experience that will stay with you.

Find out more about Kimolos. including my Top 10 tips, and |
enjoy more Goupa-Karas images below ⬇️

All images © The Real Queen of Stuff & select portraits by (R)Kudos.

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