Kimolos 2024 Cheat Sheet

10 Things To Not Miss

Kimolos was a “love at first sight” affair. A nearly chance discovery, following a reluctant and positively unsuspecting day trip, it has us hooked and hungrily returning for more since. Maybe it is the calm aura of the island, maybe its nonchalant vibe, or the fact that it still hasn’t fallen victim to the tourist craze. No matter, after 3 consecutive years of visiting I consider myself a bit of an expert and I want to share some wisdom with you.

Here goes my Top 10 for 2024:
(entries appearing in random order)

1. Paradossiakos Bakery

Be ware of this picturesque little bakery: it is almost single-handedly responsible for this year’s weight gain fiasco. A proper temple of temptation, Paradossiakos offers an array of irresistible sweet and savoury delicacies. King and Queen among them are local specialties ladenia and tyrenia. Pro tip: Before leaving, buy some to consume back home.

2. Stavento Bar

Our evening hangout of choice. Stavento is strategically located at the end of the village’s main road, detached and at the same time directly connected with the action. It offers quality drinks, friendly service, great (mostly jazzy) background music and an overall wonderful atmosphere. Pro tip: Close-by, lies the ever popular, homonymous ice-cream shop.

3. Prassa Beach

We discovered this beach on our first visit and at the time it hosted the most amazing (and fabulously integrated) beach bar. The bar is no more – a blow of epic proportions – but Prassa remains the Queen beach of Kimolos: a large expanse of chalky sand and crystal waters that span an array of blue and green hues. Pro tip: come late so you don’t scorch under the burning sun and BYO.

4. Mavrospilia

Enter Mavrospilia! This nice -but otherwise average by Kimolian standards- beach normally wouldn’t feature on the must-do list. As we speak however it is the ONLY beach in Kimolos that features umbrella & subbed sets and is serviced by a canteen. A one way street. Pro tip: Order a cocktail (the owners also run the Brachera bar at the village).

5. Go Shopping

Unlike most Greek islands Kimolos has few shops and a general flair for no frills beauty. Select outlets with mostly curated collections of goods that are, at the very least, worth checking out. Beach dresses, handmade souvenirs and decorative items are among the top recommendations.

6. Prasonisi Restaurant

Kimolos is not a fine dining destination and this is perfectly ok. The island offers mostly traditional, everyday cuisine: classic dishes made with fresh ingredients and the odd local delicacy. Prasonisi is one of the few (3, at the time of writing, to be exact) gourmet-oriented restaurants and the one with the most interesting propositions. A little off-center but worth the detour.

7. Kali Kardia (Bohoris)

Do it like the locals! I Kali Kardia (aka Bohoris) restaurant has been around since 1920 and is a favourite of Kimolians and tourists alike. The food is homey and unpretentious and so is the environment. The tables are lining both sides of the street, turning in it into an unofficial runway of sorts. Stick around long enough and you will familiarise yourself with everyone.

8. Walking & Photographing Chorio

Chorio, the island’s capital and main hub of action, has an utterly unique character with its combination of pristine and rundown edifices. This, coupled with the fact that it is constantly bathed in a wonderful light (characteristic of Kimolos), renders it ideal for walking & photographing expeditions. Literally every corner you turn offers a photo opportunity. Pro tip: Shoot selfies with a background of derelict buildings.


This one is not for the faint of heart. Skiadi, a rock formation sculpted by the elements to the effect of resembling a giant mushroom (or a frozen moment of nuclear disaster), is a famous Kimolian landmark. Given that it is located in the middle of nowhere, reaching it involves a fair amount of trekking, on mostly anomalous terrain, in absolute (and somewhat eerie) seclusion. Once you arrive the payoff is, well… not really worth it but be a sport and take the requisite selfies. Pro tip: Just do it. Conquering the Skiadi is de rigueur if you fancy yourself a Kimolos connoisseur!

10. Goupa-Karas

Last but definitely not least. Words fail to describe this majestic location – a surreal combination of landscape + seascape that merge to jaw-dropping results – but I will be giving it a shot soon. Until then just take my world for it and, if you find yourself in Kimolos, make Goupa Karas your #1 priority.

Bonus Tip

No Kimolos experience is complete without crossing over to Pollonia Port, Milos, for a glorious seafood meal at Yialos restaurant. Ferry tickets are in the neighbourhood of 2,5 euro per person (no car necessary) and it only takes around 20 minutes to cross. Thank me later.

More Kimolos related articles:
A Day trip to Kimolos
The Windmill

All images © The Real Queen of Stuff

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